Tag Archive | spirituality

Free Reading for April’s Full Moon

Here is a 4-card spread I created for the full moon. The intention behind the spread is to help identify how best we can use the energy of any particular full moon in order to manifest our desires. Please feel free to use this spread for your own readings. I find it works well with either oracle or Tarot cards.
The cards I use here are of my own creation. This is “Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm”, which is a completely channeled deck. Signed & numbered decks are available at: https://angelicguidanceandinspiration.wordpress.com/order/

Online reading image for full moon of April 2017


Question: How best can we utilize the energy of the full moon of April 11, 2017?

Card Position 1: What holds you back?

Gratitude is the Inner Light of the Soul ~

The feeling of gratitude creates within your Soul a sense of happiness and joy. Even if you have nothing you consider to be wonderful, focus on the small things. Go over your day and find a few small things for which you are grateful. The small things are special gifts that help you to further appreciate larger blessings when they come along. What were your tiny blessings today? A child’s laughter, perhaps? The purr of a cat? The sunshine? A cool drink of water that quenched your thirst? A delicious meal? Some form of entertainment?

Think on these things from your day that instill within your heart a sense of gratitude. Know as your heart feels gratitude that the light of gratitude illuminates your Soul. The light of gratitude helps your Soul to shine more brightly. As your Soul shines ever brighter know that you will serve as a beacon to others by example. They will sense or even see your inner light and may ask you, “what is so different about you today?” That will be the perfect opportunity to explain to them the blessing of gratitude.

As gratitude illuminates your own Soul, your Soul in turn, shall glow and provide others with illumination as well.

~ Archangel Raphael

Here, the message as it relates to the card position indicates that this full moon will be a powerful time for us to express our gratitude in any way we see fit.

Card Position 2: In what way will the full moon energy motivate me?

Honor Your Inner Child by Allowing Yourself to Play ~

Are you aware that every day is Play Time? No matter what is happening during your day you should always seek out at least a few minutes to play. This means don’t worry, don’t stress, don’t be preoccupied. Instead, simply relax and play.

Let yourself go. During your play time do whatever it is you enjoy doing. What activity helps you to be more “you?” What activity helps you to focus more on the here and now? Whatever it is, carve out a bit of time and space to partake of that special activity. Enjoy the activity for the sake of the activity alone. Allow the worries of the day to take a distant back seat and take enjoyment within the present moment.

As you remember to play your inner child will grow stronger and sooner rather than later you will find yourself experiencing joy in even the smallest of things. This is how one lives a happy and contented life.

Remember to play!

~ Archangel Michael

Here, relating the card back to the Card Position, the full moon energy for tomorrow will be playful energy. You may be tempted to play hooky from work or school tomorrow. Remember to make the time to do something fun.

Card Position 3: How can I best put the energy of this full moon to work for me?

Dance to the Music in your Soul ~

Dance to work through anger.
Dance as an expression of joy.
Dance as you work out your frustrations.
Dance to give form to your sadness.
Dance when you greet the day.
Dance while embracing the night. Dance through your life.
Dance to the music in your soul.

~ David Bowie

Relating this card back to the Card Position, self-expression in whatever form it takes is important for each of us. Find a way through which you enjoy expressing yourself and just go for it.

Card Position 4: What can manifest once I’ve put this full moon’s energy to use?

Positive Expectations Lead to Positive Results ~

Your mind is the most powerful tool you shall ever have at your disposal. Thoughts are things – living things. Your thoughts have energy. Energy transmutes the physical world. Therefore your thoughts have the ability to transform the physical world, otherwise known as your reality.

Once you realize the true power behind your thoughts – both the good AND the bad – you realize the importance of remaining focused upon positive thoughts. When you worry, fear, and obsess upon scenarios you wish would never manifest, what you are actually doing is you are sending your powerful thoughts to the very things you do NOT wish to occur! By so doing you lend those unsavory scenarios the energy they require in order to manifest in reality.

Stop yourself. When you find you are focused on a fear, a worry, or a matter from your past that you cannot ever hope to resolve, change your thought pattern in that moment. Focus instead on the positive opposite of the fearful or worrisome thought. Focus on what you WISH to occur in a situation rather than what you fear MIGHT occur. Focus on your desired outcome.

As you focus on your desired outcome and expect it to be positive you lend the situation positive energy that can then help the matter to have a positive result.

~ Archangel Raphael

Relating this card back to the Card Position, in other words, anything positive upon which you focus will have the energy to manifest. So focus on those wishes you desire the most.

Wishing you all full moon blessings!

~ Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me




Meditation as a Form of Self-Care

Today’s card draw is ~


I don’t know about you, but for me the holidays can be stressful. Shopping and attempting to choose the perfect gift for everyone on my list, wrapping the gifts as perfectly as I can, then all the baking, cooking, and visiting with family & friends. Even “good” stress like this can be overwhelming for a person.

I pulled this card today at random and just had to smile. The angels and spirit guides are making it abundantly clear that as we head into a new year now is the time to slow down, reassess, and prepare for the New Year.

This card is all about devoting some time daily to not only your spiritual practice, but to spend some time just being QUIET. This not only involves your mouth, but also ~ and most importantly ~ your mind.

Focus on quieting the constant brain chatter. Go within and find your inner peace, your own Fortress of Solitude where you can retreat any time you are in need of being cleansed, refreshed, and recharged.

Meditation is an important part of the spiritual practice of many people. As for me, I do not meditate in the conventional manner. I “meditate” by focusing on my artwork. I enter “the zone” and I do not emerge until my work time is over or until I somehow fall out of “the zone.” It’s that “zone,” that inner sanctum, from which I create all my artwork. That, to me, is meditation. Most people find it very difficult to meditate. It’s not easy to clear your mind and then focus on nothingness. This is why I recommend  YouTube meditation videos to my students. There are many very good meditation videos on YouTube. Just enter “meditation” into the search box. You can further classify your search by entering phrases such as:

  • Guided Meditation
  • Meditation with music
  • Meditation on the chakras
  • Spirit guide meditation
  • Health meditation
  • Prosperity meditation

and so on. When you follow this process and devote a bit of time to it you will find the meditation videos that are perfect for you, then save them to your favorites so they are easily accessible each time you wish to meditate.

Meditation is calming, it’s peaceful, and it helps you to connect with your higher guidance. It also has the added benefits of helping your psychic centers to open and it is known in the medical field to help lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.

When I created today’s card I channeled this from David Bowie. In our dream visitations he spent a long time convincing me meditation is THE way to go if you wish to develop further spiritually. I kept telling him, “but David, I’m a quadruple Gemini. I simply cannot hold a single sustained thought for more than 30 seconds before my mind jumps to something else. That’s just how my quadruple Gemini brain works.” Despite my protestations, David continues to focus on the importance of meditation. I know he’s right, but I also know that his brand of meditation won’t work for me.

Find what works for you. It may not be strictly meditation. Perhaps you’re an artist like me or maybe you enjoy working in adult coloring books. A repeated action within a short period of time can help a person’s brain to achieve a state that is similar to the state of the brain during meditation. This happens to me regularly when I focus on my artwork. Or, perhaps you enjoy playing an instrument, listening to a certain type of music that gets you in “the zone,” or perhaps you dance. Even quiet time spent in nature can help a person to find their inner peace.

Do whatever is comfortable for you. Remember that one form of meditation may work great for someone, but that does not necessarily mean it will be the perfect approach for you. Experiment and discover what works best for you and then focus on making that practice a part of your daily spiritual practice. If you do not have the time to have a daily spiritual practice, at least try to maintain a practice three times a week. As you continue on you may eventually discover that you miss your spiritual practice on the days you are not scheduling it so you may wish to work on your schedule so in time it becomes part of your daily routine.

Remember that there are many paths to inner peace. It is just up to each of us to discover which path leads us there.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm by multi-award winning author & artist Nefer Khepri is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me


