Tag Archive | Guidance

Free Full Moon Reading

I am very honored to announce that  CAYA (Come As You Are) Pagan congregation of Oakland, CA & Portland, OR has chosen to use my Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm for this month’s full moon reading that they distributed through their newsletter.

From CAYA’s mission statement ~

CAYA is a nonprofit 501(c)3 matriarchal, eclectic, interfaith, open, drop-in congregation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to create safe, loving, magic(k)al space for those who wish to participate in our community rituals, public service initiatives, and social events. Our Congregation community is based on mutual respect, personal responsibility, integrity, and honor for all spiritual paths. Our Clergy gathers around the mysteries of our core Traditions, and our Congregants gather around a shared commitment to Earth-centered and polytheistic spiritualities. We hold for the highest possible good in all that we do: for ourselves, for our community, and for the world.

~ from their site: cayacoven.org

Ravensong Phoenixfire is an Initiate who is a mere 21 days away from being ordained as Priestess as of this date, February 10, 2017. Here is her reading for tonight’s full moon.



From the newsletter of the CAYA Pagan Congregation. Cards copyright Nefer Khepri, 2016. Text of reading Copyright © 2017 CAYA Coven, All rights reserved.

Thank you to Ravensong Phoenixfire for this insightful reading using Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm. CAYA’s newsletter is available here.

Remember that tonight’s full moon will be incredibly powerful due to the lunar eclipse and the comet (visible only over parts of Africa and Europe). Enjoy tonight’s energy and be sure to set your positive intentions.

sample-of-cardsGuidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is a self-published limited print-run. These decks will not remain in stock for long. All orders are filled strictly on a first-cobag-envelopeme, first-served basis and your deck number reflects the order in which I received your payment. Please click on the appropriate payment link for your location below. I ship worldwide via First Class domestic US mail and First Class Air.

Thank you to all who have ordered so far.

If you live in the USA use this link

If you live outside the USA use this link


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me





Message on a “Blah” Day

What do you do when you have a case of the “blahs” & you have no idea what is causing you to feel this way. Well, other than the weather. It’s been raining badly here in Houston for about a week. Lots of gray skies, chilly, and very little sun. Usually I am not emotionally reactive to weather patterns, but this one has me within its clutches so I decided to ask for a message to brighten my day.

I swear that I chose these at random. Just look at the similarity of the message on each card. Similar, yet not identical.


The Universe presents us with Infinite Possibilities.”

~ and ~

We live in an abundant Universe. There is enough for everyone.”

I pulled these cards randomly as I wondered what type of message could pull me out of the blahs. I would have to say that this is that message!

I woke up feeling immediately overwhelmed as I mentally went over my work schedule for today. Please do not misunderstand me. I am incredibly grateful for the orders that have recently come in for readings, enchantments, and a Soul Portrait, but there are also so many hours in a day and I do not like to keep people waiting. Yet there is only one of me and many (thank the gods) clients. Currently, my services I offer at my site are my family’s main source of income as my husband works to get his new business off the ground. These orders are keeping the bills paid and food on the table so to say I am grateful would be an understatement.

As I read the first message, “The Universe presents us with Infinite Possibilities” it made me think of different ways I could manage my time. After contemplating the message of this card I now have a better idea of how to parcel out my time today so I am no longer feeling overwhelmed.

As I pulled the second card my hand was first pulled toward one end of the fanned out deck, but then I felt a very light push on my hand that guided me toward the opposite end of the fan. When choosing a card from a fanned deck I allow my hand to hover about 2″ above the cards until one or more of my fingers begin to tingle. Usually this happens only with my index finger. Then I choose whichever card below makes that finger tingle the most. That is how I chose the first card, so other than the gentle push, I chose the second card in the same manner.

My reaction when I read the message of the second card was, “well, would you look at that!” “We live in an abundant Universe. There is enough for everyone.”

Two cards that speak of what the Universe has to offer us if we are open to receive, that is, when we have faith and belief that yes, we DO live in an abundant universe, there IS enough for everyone, and the universe is jam-packed with infinite possibilities.

What a cheery and uplifting message on a day when I had been suffering from the blahs and feeling overwhelmed!

You see, I also woke up worried about money. I try hard not to worry, but when your first thought of the morning is, “OMG, I have to pay my sales tax today because it’s due tomorrow!” while hoping you have enough in your meager checking account so your check to the State doesn’t bounce, well, it can create a tiny sense of panic. Thankfully, due to the orders I received yesterday I do have enough to pay my sales tax today; and, I was aware of this, but those first few foggy thoughts of morning are often not very logical. I had forgotten about orders that came in last night that gave me a financial reprieve in my midnight hour (almost literally!).

The second message is a timely reminder that a person cannot focus on what they LACK. If you find yourself thinking “I don’t have enough money to pay my sales tax,” or whatever else you need to pay, rethink that. Such a thought is only placing more emphasis on what you lack and not on what you actually possess. Perhaps you don’t have enough money to pay all your bills, but you can pay some of them. Focus gratitude out into the universe for the bills and things you are able to pay for. Don’t focus on what you can’t afford. Focus on what you possess and what you have been able to accomplish. If we all work to focus on what we have and on what we have managed to do or complete, then express gratitude for that, the universe will work to present us with new opportunities through which additional abundance can flow toward us.

The message of the second card kindly presented me with a timely reminder me of this fact. I have reconsidered my family’s financial situation; and, as a result, I feel secure in the knowledge that yes, as long as I remain open to receive and maintain my faith, the universe WILL provide.

red-maple-blooming-in-mid-jan-2017As I looked out the window immediately after taking this picture I was struck by the fact my red maple is blooming new leaves already. We had a very short and late fall season here in Houston. My two red maples didn’t actually begin to show any fall colors until mid-December. It was short-lived as they lost all their leaves by the first few days of 2017. They have only been fallow for about two weeks, but already they are budding out! It goes to show how unseasonably warm it’s been in Houston this “winter,” which hasn’t really been winter, not even in the Houston sense of the word.

As I sat here looking out my bedroom window at my red maple tree marveling at all the new baby leaves appearing nearly overnight on its branches this tree also reminded me that despite temporary setbacks opportunities will continue to bloom.

bag-envelopeGuidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is open for pre-order until January 30th at which time I shall place the order with my printer. Each deck comes signed, numbered, and attuned to Reiki and CIER (the Clear Iridescent Energy Ray of Archangel Michael of which I am the exclusive channel and Teacher). The packaging arrived yesterday and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The satin bag has raised gold dots upon it. I will further embellish each bag with beads from my collection intuitively chosen for each person who orders. The gold bubble envelope is quite snazzy and I am impressed with its quality.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is a self-published limited print-run. These decks will not remain in stock for long. All orders are filled strictly on a first-come, first-served basis and your deck number reflects the order in which I received your payment. Please click on the appropriate payment link for your location below. I ship worldwide via First Class domestic US mail and First Class Air.

Thank you to all who have ordered so far.

If you live in the USA use this link

If you live outside the USA use this link


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me





Meditation as a Form of Self-Care

Today’s card draw is ~


I don’t know about you, but for me the holidays can be stressful. Shopping and attempting to choose the perfect gift for everyone on my list, wrapping the gifts as perfectly as I can, then all the baking, cooking, and visiting with family & friends. Even “good” stress like this can be overwhelming for a person.

I pulled this card today at random and just had to smile. The angels and spirit guides are making it abundantly clear that as we head into a new year now is the time to slow down, reassess, and prepare for the New Year.

This card is all about devoting some time daily to not only your spiritual practice, but to spend some time just being QUIET. This not only involves your mouth, but also ~ and most importantly ~ your mind.

Focus on quieting the constant brain chatter. Go within and find your inner peace, your own Fortress of Solitude where you can retreat any time you are in need of being cleansed, refreshed, and recharged.

Meditation is an important part of the spiritual practice of many people. As for me, I do not meditate in the conventional manner. I “meditate” by focusing on my artwork. I enter “the zone” and I do not emerge until my work time is over or until I somehow fall out of “the zone.” It’s that “zone,” that inner sanctum, from which I create all my artwork. That, to me, is meditation. Most people find it very difficult to meditate. It’s not easy to clear your mind and then focus on nothingness. This is why I recommend  YouTube meditation videos to my students. There are many very good meditation videos on YouTube. Just enter “meditation” into the search box. You can further classify your search by entering phrases such as:

  • Guided Meditation
  • Meditation with music
  • Meditation on the chakras
  • Spirit guide meditation
  • Health meditation
  • Prosperity meditation

and so on. When you follow this process and devote a bit of time to it you will find the meditation videos that are perfect for you, then save them to your favorites so they are easily accessible each time you wish to meditate.

Meditation is calming, it’s peaceful, and it helps you to connect with your higher guidance. It also has the added benefits of helping your psychic centers to open and it is known in the medical field to help lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.

When I created today’s card I channeled this from David Bowie. In our dream visitations he spent a long time convincing me meditation is THE way to go if you wish to develop further spiritually. I kept telling him, “but David, I’m a quadruple Gemini. I simply cannot hold a single sustained thought for more than 30 seconds before my mind jumps to something else. That’s just how my quadruple Gemini brain works.” Despite my protestations, David continues to focus on the importance of meditation. I know he’s right, but I also know that his brand of meditation won’t work for me.

Find what works for you. It may not be strictly meditation. Perhaps you’re an artist like me or maybe you enjoy working in adult coloring books. A repeated action within a short period of time can help a person’s brain to achieve a state that is similar to the state of the brain during meditation. This happens to me regularly when I focus on my artwork. Or, perhaps you enjoy playing an instrument, listening to a certain type of music that gets you in “the zone,” or perhaps you dance. Even quiet time spent in nature can help a person to find their inner peace.

Do whatever is comfortable for you. Remember that one form of meditation may work great for someone, but that does not necessarily mean it will be the perfect approach for you. Experiment and discover what works best for you and then focus on making that practice a part of your daily spiritual practice. If you do not have the time to have a daily spiritual practice, at least try to maintain a practice three times a week. As you continue on you may eventually discover that you miss your spiritual practice on the days you are not scheduling it so you may wish to work on your schedule so in time it becomes part of your daily routine.

Remember that there are many paths to inner peace. It is just up to each of us to discover which path leads us there.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm by multi-award winning author & artist Nefer Khepri is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me




Mercury Retrograde Strikes!

We are in the shadow of the Mercury retrograde that begins December 19th & concludes on January 8th. This is the time communication may begin to suffer a breakdown. Mercury rules over communication. Be careful about misunderstandings & miscommunication. I informed several of my clients about this today because they were suffering from being misunderstood. I should have heeded my own advice.

Tonight at dinner my husband seriously hurt my feelings. I’ve spent most of the evening upset. The gist of the issue is that we were discussing college with our 18-year-old daughter who will be starting college in the fall. My husband was saying it’s one thing to attend college, but it’s quite another to find a field in which you will end up making a good living. He gave his banking degree as an example of thinking ahead regarding income. He is no longer a banker due to losing his job in October, 2015 & now has his own business. He has a master’s degree in Finance.

Next, he used my education as an example of parents who knew the value of a college education, but did not realize that a person’s major is very important when it comes to finding a career that will result in a good income. I hold a doctorate in Latin American Studies & my MA and BA are both in Anthropology with an emphasis on Archaeology. He used my education as an example of a “worthless degree” because I never had a serious career in my field. There are extenuating circumstances as to the reasons behind my lack of a “serious career” I won’t go into here, but suffice it to say I sacrificed opportunities in order to remain married and give birth to & raise our daughter, both of which I deemed to be more important than a career in academia.

Long ugly story short ~ there was an argument & my lovely daughter tried her best to mediate. I cleaned up the remains of dinner in silence with tears in my eyes, then I took a shower hoping to feel better. I did not.

I always counsel my students that if you are upset about something it is not a good time to consult your cards, no matter what type of deck you are using. When you read the cards upset you tend to see the worse case scenario. Yet again I did not heed my own advice, but for once that worked out in my favor.

I decided to consult my Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm oracle deck. I told the angels & spirit guides that I had been really hurt & I was still very upset. I asked them what I could do about it, and especially about feeling so depressed over the 12 years I spent in college working hard to obtain my “worthless” degree. I shuffled, cut the deck, fanned it out & quickly chose 2 cards without giving it a further thought. The cards I received brought new tears to my eyes, but they were happy tears.


The message here simply could not be any clearer.

Your team of Spirit Helpers supports you at all times.” That refers to everyone’s own personal team of angels, spirit guides, departed loved ones, & ancestors. We each walk around everyday with a team of spiritual help surrounding us whether we realize that or not. This card came as an important reminder to me that as upset as I was, I needed to remember that I am not in this alone.

The second card touched my heart.

Believe in your Self then all else shall fall neatly into place.” I had been feeling so low. I’m very happy in my life & always have been. I do not regret my decision, yet one cannot help but have “what if” thoughts once in a while. This card basically told me to pull myself up by my bootstraps & realize I am worthy, my education may not have lead me into a life of academia, but I do use it every single day in my line of work because I studied the spirituality of an ancient civilization. That opened many vistas to me that would have otherwise taken me many more years to discover on my own. One way or another, the subject matter I studied lead me straight to what I do today for a living, & I am blessed with an incredibly fulfilling career.

Taken together, the message these two cards conveyed to me is that my team of Spirit Helpers believes in me so I should believe in myself.

This reading applies to everyone. No matter how low or how alone we may feel at any given time we all need to know that our team of Spirit Helpers is with us always and they believe in each and every one of us.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm by Nefer Khepri is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me




Free Reading: Follow Your Dreams

Dec 8 2016.jpg

Today I asked the angels & spirit guides what we can do to help bring our dreams into reality. I combined my Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm cards with a deck just published by US Games Systems, Inc. entitled Angel Reading Cards (book by Debbie Malone, artwork by Amalia I. Chitulescu). I will often use decks in various combinations and felt this would provide a nice well-rounded answer, which it does.

From the Angel Reading Cards I drew ~

  • The Angel of Divine Timing
  • The Angel of Release
  • The Angel of Manifestation

The message here is fairly clear. All good things happen in their own good time. If I had a dollar for every time Archangel Michael has said that to me I’d be a wealthy woman. He is so right. We can’t rush things. No matter how badly you may wish for something to happen, you can’t push it into existence. We can do our best through prayer, positive thinking, and doing what we can to help the situation along, but the rest is left up to divine timing.

The Angel of Release speaks of letting go of what holds us back. For many of us, that is the fear of failure. No one wishes to fall flat on their face, yet when we aim high that is a thought that’s often in the back of our mind. Will I fail? Will others laugh at me? What will they think? Let go of your fears and insecurities as you aim to fulfill your highest potential.

The Angel of Manifestation, well, there you have it. There is the dream made manifest in reality. The dream is no longer a dream. It is attained. Just maintain your focus, apply yourself, and when the divine timing is correct your dream will manifest.

The message from Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm moves along a similar theme & this reading is a good example of how well my deck works with others if you enjoy using decks in combination as I do.

The first card is “View the situation with your Heart & Love will prevail.” The message for this card comes from David Bowie, which is as follows ~

The analytical individual sees reality through the lens of their mind. They scrutinize, analyze, as they disassemble their reality into smaller, more manageable pieces. 

The creative individual views reality through the lens of their heart. They do not analyze. They have an emotional reaction to their reality and their emotions dictate how they choose to react.

One way is not wrong & the other correct. Both are correct, but for certain people. Depending upon which group you fall into, it is either your mind or your heart that provides you with your world view. 

Analytical people often view the components of life as a problem needing to be solved while creative individuals see the same components as something that can be learned from, that can be used toward achieving a goal, that can be molded until it becomes useful to them in some way. 

That is the message of this card. It is fine to be analytical, and many of our greatest philosophers and scientists are, & have been, chiefly analytical. You can analyze a situation all you desire, but when you look at it with your heart and open up to your feelings you move beyond thinking and enter the realm of creative problem solving. Love then enters the situation and it is ultimately through Love that all problems find a solution.  ~ db

The second card is, “Follow your Dreams for therein lies your Happiness.” The message comes to us from Archangel Raphael ~

The dreams you are given are there to motivate you on to bigger and greater things. The first time you dream of something is the first step upon a path of wonder should you decide to take that step. Many do not. Many turn their back on their dreams thinking they are immaterial, impossible, and most certainly must also be impractical. This makes me very sad. You are given dreams so you can move forward in life toward greater happiness, yet so very few of you see dreams for what they truly are: stepping stones toward lasting happiness. 

The waters of life are confusing. Like a stagnant pond the murkiness can cloud your judgment and cause you to be lead astray. Your dreams, however, come from The Source. They are the breadcrumbs that shall guide you through the murkiness of your muddled thinking that is caused by worry, fear, and lack of faith. 

When a dream comes to you it comes as a gift from The Source. A dream is an opportunity to better yourself and to improve your life. Be brave & take those first few steps to follow your dreams. Once you take the first few steps, the remaining steps are much less challenging and you shall be ever closer to achieving your dreams and finding your true happiness. ~ Archangel Raphael

The final card is entitled, “You are never alone. Your spirit team is with you always.” The message for this card is given to us by Archangel Michael ~

Everyone experiences dark times during their lives. Everyone faces problems & you are often placed into the position of needing to conquer your fear. It is during these darkest of times that you feel you are all alone. You feel you have no one upon whom you can rely for help or guidance. 

O, how wrong you are!

Each of you is such a brilliant light in the universe! We see your light always & we are forever protective of your light. You may not be able to see us. You may not be able to hear us. You may not be able to sense our presence on any level, but I assure you that we are there. 

We are there at your side when your problems appear to be overwhelming you. We rest our energy across your shoulders in an attempt to provide you comfort. We whisper reassurances in your ear that all will be well. We work to help you when you grant us your permission by asking us for our help. We always strive to help you in any way you allow us to do so. 

Know this. Have faith we are there & you shall never feel you are walking alone again. ~Archangel Michael

Do you see how the reading with the Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm deck reflects the reading with the Angel Reading Cards?

The three cards from the Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm deck starts out with guidance on how to view the various situations of our lives. The second card advises us to lay claim to our dreams and do not be afraid to pursue them. The third card reminds us that no matter how tough the going may become, we always have our spirit helpers with us supporting & guiding us every step of the way; therefore, we will eventually succeed.

Your dreams are within reach. You will be successful when the time is right as long as you remain focused, determined, and keep the faith.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm by Nefer Khepri is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me









Free Reading 12/4/16

For today, December 4, 2016, I have drawn 2 cards as I asked the angels & spirit guides what do we all need to focus on now as we all head into the holiday season. This message stands for the entire holiday season, but I will be doing more card draws in coming days.


The two cards from my Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm oracle deck are:

Dance to the Music in your Soul

~ and ~

Gratitude opens your Heart and attracts new Blessings

The original title of my deck during the months I worked on creating it was Angelic Guidance & Inspiration. I thought all the card phrases & messages would be coming from Archangel Michael & Archangel Raphael. They took turns channeling the information to me & I figured it was a safe assumption to make that they would be responsible for all the phrases & channeled information for the deck.

After they gave me approximately two-thirds of the deck the channeling process stalled. Nothing came through for a few weeks. As I worked on creating the card images I wasn’t worried. Michael had told me the deck would have 44 cards so I knew more messages would be forthcoming. I was preoccupied at the time & I figured it was my own preoccupation that had created the block.

As the weeks turned into two months, and then it was suddenly 18 weeks without a single message, then I began to become concerned. One day Michael came through to tell me not to fear. The other messages would be coming and the phrases would all come through in a single channeling session while the messages for each of those cards would come to me piecemeal as the others had. When I asked Michael if I had created a block that had held up the entire creation process he told me no, the issue was not me, but that the other spirit involved is “a bit of a perfectionist” & he was “taking his own sweet time” in delivering the phrases of the remainder of the deck to me.

Until that moment I had no idea a spirit would be involved with the deck. I thought the phrases would be coming from angelic energy only. I asked Michael if he could tell me the identity of the spirit. He said, “yes, the one you would know as David Bowie. He is working with many right now, & shall be for quite some time to come.”

If you follow me on Facebook and even more so if you are a member of my group, Magickal Musings, you will already know of my special connection with David Bowie, which is of a psychic nature that began long before he passed away. I can’t say I was too surprised, but I did tell Michael I thought it was an odd mix and now what to do about the title of my deck? Michael suggested my deck’s title as it now stands.

It was about 2 weeks later, so I was right at the 3 month mark of not having made any progress on the deck when David came through one afternoon in a flurry of messages & images. It took about an hour and I had each phrase for the remainder of the deck with his promise he would be giving me the messages that would accompany each card just as Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael had.

Today’s card draw is the first I have done with the deck that includes a message from David Bowie, hence the lengthy preamble to this blog post. It was never my intention to drop his name. In fact, I have worked hard to keep his involvement in this project on the down-low, so to speak. I actually wish the remaining messages had all come from the angels, but when you channel it’s much more a case of who comes through then who you wish to come through, not that I have anything at all against David Bowie being a long-time fan. All that being said, without further delay, here is today’s message, which applies to the entire holiday season.

Card 1: Dance to the Music in your Soul ~ 

Dance to work through anger. Dance as an expression of joy. Dance as you work out your frustrations. Dance to give form to your sadness. Dance when you greet the day. Dance while embracing the night. Dance through your life. Dance to the music in your soul.

~ David Bowie

The message here is to be sure to express yourself. Whether it is through dancing, singing, art, or simply speaking it will serve us all well to fully express ourselves this holiday season. This time of year we all become preoccupied with preparing for the end of the year holidays. We often feel overwhelmed shopping for gifts, cleaning & decorating the house, and then cooking that massive holiday dinner. The message here is in the middle of all that craziness it would help each of us to take time express what is in our heart, which leads to the next card from Archangel Michael:

Card 2: Gratitude opens your Heart and attracts new Blessings ~ 

The capacity for gratitude knows no limits. The only limits gratitude possesses are the limits you place upon it. Why limit something that is so wonderful & that can easily open so many doors for you? A grateful person knows that no matter how small a thing is for which they are grateful, that the expression of that gratitude will lead to bigger & better things. Why not express gratitude by simply saying, “thank you for …” or “I am grateful for …,” then fill in the blank. As you do this daily you will find yourself expressing gratitude for many things you have long taken for granted. As these seemingly lesser things make it onto your gratitude list you will see new energy entering your life that brings along with it new and wonderful blessings of all kinds. As you express gratitude for seemingly tiny blessings when turn around you will be able to watch as larger blessings make themselves known to you.

Remember this: a grateful heart is a happy heart. 

~ Archangel Michael

A daily gratitude practice is important. Another spirit guide of mine, Nashia, explained this to me several years ago. She suggested to me that I merely list three things a day for which I am grateful. She told me the size or importance of these three things doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that I am expressing gratitude. She told me the more I was grateful, then the more positive things would flow into my life.

I began my daily gratitude practice with very simple lists. I would state I was grateful for sunshine, grateful for coffee (aren’t we all?), grateful for the purr from my cat, and so on. Soon, my lists became much more elaborate. Some days I would list as many as ten different things just because I could. I then realized that in a very short period of time (about a month) it had become increasingly easier for me to express my gratitude. Soon, I also noticed new and wonderful blessings entering my life usually in most unexpected ways.

As we all go about our annual holiday hustle and bustle, take time to express gratitude daily. As you do this, know that in time the door will open and new blessings will enter your life, or perhaps some long standing issues will begin to be somehow resolved. Also, keep in mind what Michael says:

a grateful heart is a happy heart.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me





Here is an example of how my deck, Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm can be used to address a problem. A good friend of my daughter is being bullied in school. My daughter asked me to ask the angels & spirit guides what her friend should do. Asking for guidance I drew two cards for her friend.


Archangel Raphael has the following message for the card entitled, “Your body is your Temple. Honor it in all ways.” ~

Your body is the temple in which your Soul resides during your current physical incarnation. The Soul comes directly from The Source. It is PART of the Source, a tiny yet incredibly powerful fragment. Your Soul is that divine spark.

The body is the corporeal vessel that your Soul has for a limited amount of time. Your body is your Soul’s HOME. Think on this. What would you do if there was a knock on your door. You open the door and there is your Higher Power standing there asking for admittance. Do you gladly step aside and allow them entry or do you slam the door in their face because your house is in disarray?

Your body is your Soul’s house. It is up to you to keep your Soul’s home in order. You do this by making sure you get enough exercise. Eat a sensible diet. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Also make time for play.

When all of the above is done in balance your physical body enters a state of harmony that allows it to be the perfect abode for your Soul. Focus on taking care of yourself and once you have found a sense of equilibrium you may wish to attempt to influence those around you to focus on doing the same for themselves.

~ Archangel Raphael

Although this cad is about taking care of your physical body, I see a deeper meaning here. I told my daughter to tell her friend that we all need to be careful what sort of people we associate with because they can become a drain on our energy. This card is an important reminder of the Divine Spark that resides within each of us & that we should value ourselves.

My daughter then told me this girl who is bothering her friend was once a friend to them both, but turned on the other girl over a boy they both liked. Now the other girl picks on my daughter’s friend at every opportunity. I told my daughter to tell her friend to be careful with whom she associates from now on & to always remember a bit of the Divine lives within her & she is too valuable to put up with that sort of treatment & should stand up to the girl.

The second card entitled “In order to receive healing energy receptivity is required” is also channeled from Archangel Raphael. His message for this card reads as follows:

It is customary to pray and to send healing energy to those who are in need of such. You have been taught and shown this is the right thing to do when a person is either ill or is suffering in some manner. Yes, it is only right to pray for others and to send them positive energy, but do you ever consider that they may not yet be ready to receive? 

Many people suffer for a reason. They are either learning a lesson through their suffering and pain or their soul has entered into a contract to live through this type of an experience at this time in their life. They may not be ready to receive positive energy and they may not wish for others to hold them in prayer. 

What is to be done in such a case? 

What you can do for them is to hold the afflicted in your heart and your mind. See them surrounded by white or gold light as you visualize them as being healthy and happy. In this way, when they are ready they shall open the door. Once that door is opened all of the positive energy and love you have held for this person will enter their life. It can only enter their life through a door they open themselves of their own free will. This is the manner in which all healing is accepted when it has been freely given to another. 

~ Archangel Raphael

The meaning here is fairly clear. The bully is a bully because she is wounded in some way. Perhaps she has been abused at home or maybe some other girl stole a former boyfriend away from her so now she is lashing out. Whatever the reason, in this particular case the bully needs to be viewed with some compassion because she is in need of healing, but may not realize it.

Once I explained this to my daughter she admitted to knowing that the girl’s father is an alcoholic and the mother is on medication for depression. She then realized that the girl’s home life has been affecting her behavior at school and this was the true reason she was bullying her friend.

I told my daughter that her friend needs to stand up to the bully and inform her she will not tolerate this type of behavior from her for any reason. I told my daughter she is not required to be friends with the bully, but that perhaps she ought to think of a way for others to step in to lend some type of support to the girl so she doesn’t feel so alone.

The next day when my daughter came home from school she had news about this situation. She had explained to her friend everything I had told my daughter in the reading. Her friend could see the logic behind the approach so when the girl began to make fun of her during lunch that day my daughter’s friend stood up to her and said she did nothing to deserve such behavior. Other students chimed in as well and another student stepped forward to say that perhaps they all ought to examine the reasons as to why this girl decided to bully my daughter’s friend, that perhaps she isn’t a mean person, but it may be a cry for help.

The school counselor was involved at this point and the girl who had been bullying others was taken to the counselor’s office to discuss the matter. Later in the day my daughter heard that the bully had apologized to her friend. We are now hopeful that through the involvement of the school counselor that this girl will receive some help so she no longer feels the need to resort to bullying others.

Sadly, not all bullying situations work out as well as this one has. If you know of someone who is being bullied please do involve the school administration. No child should tolerate such abuse from anyone. Parents, if your child is complaining of being bullied, PLEASE go to the school administration about the matter & demand that they do something about it. Most schools these days take bullying as a very serious offense and they will step in to deal with the matter.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm opens for pre-orders tomorrow, December 3, 2016. Ordering information will be posted on the ordering page tomorrow.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me






Free Reading: Pick a Card


I have drawn 3 cards at random from my forthcoming oracle deck, Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm. Take a deep cleansing breath and close your eyes. Ask for a number to come to you between 1 and 3. The number that comes to you will be your card.

Each card’s message is channeled. Scroll below to read your special message for today. Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm opens for pre-orders on December 3, 2016. Ordering & pricing information will be posted to the ordering page on Dec. 3rd.


Card 1: Take back your Power by Believing in Yourself ~

Every individual is a powerful being in their own right. It is only due to your parents, authority figures, and society that you have been swayed to believe otherwise. From the very beginning of your life as a child you are placed into a subservient role. You are subject to the authority of your parents. Once your formal education begins you are further subservient to the authority of your teachers. You are taught to respect your elders. “Respect” in this context embodies their expectation that you are to do as you are told.

As you grow and mature you eventually come into your own power. You begin to make decisions for yourself and eventually the big day finally arrives when you begin to live life on your own. Despite your independence you still play a role that is subservient to others. That is simply the manner in which your society is constructed. Your boss has more authority than you do in the workplace. Your parents may still hold some authority over you as well. When you are taught your entire life to live a role that negates your personal power, how do you lay claim to it once you have the opportunity?

You do this by simply believing in yourself. Have faith in your own abilities and accomplishments. Know that you require no one’s final approval regarding your actions. Live a life of peace and harmony where others are concerned. Do no harm and no one need ever question your actions or your motives. Be assured that your power as an individual is very real. Do not allow memories of your past interfere with your self-image. Know you have the power to achieve your wishes. You have the power to organize and live your life as you see fit. Step into your own power by being your true self and realize you are a powerful being in your own right.

~ Archangel Michael

Card 2: Your body is your Temple. Honor it in all ways ~

Your body is the temple in which your Soul resides during your current physical incarnation. The Soul comes directly from The Source. It is PART of the Source, a tiny yet incredibly powerful fragment. Your Soul is that divine spark.

The body is the corporeal vessel that your Soul has for a limited amount of time. Your body is your Soul’s HOME. Think on this. What would you do if there was a knock on your door. You open the door and there is your Higher Power standing there asking for admittance. Do you gladly step aside and allow them entry or do you slam the door in their face because your house is in disarray?

Your body is your Soul’s house. It is up to you to keep your Soul’s home in order. You do this by making sure you get enough exercise. Eat a sensible diet. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Also make time for play.

When all of the above is done in balance your physical body enters a state of harmony that allows it to be the perfect abode for your Soul. Focus on taking care of yourself and once you have found a sense of equilibrium you may wish to attempt to influence those around you to focus on doing the same for themselves.

~ Archangel Raphael

Card 3: Gratitude is the Inner Light of the Soul ~

The feeling of gratitude creates within your Soul a sense of happiness and joy. Even if you have nothing you consider to be wonderful, focus on the small things. Go over your day and find a few small things for which you are grateful. The small things are special gifts that help you to further appreciate larger blessings when they come along. What were your tiny blessings today? A child’s laughter, perhaps? The purr of a cat? The sunshine? A cool drink of water that quenched your thirst? A delicious meal? Some form of entertainment?

Think on these things from your day that instill within your heart a sense of gratitude. Know as your heart feels gratitude that the light of gratitude illuminates your Soul. The light of gratitude helps your Soul to shine more brightly. As your Soul shines ever brighter know that you will serve as a beacon to others by example. They will sense or even see your inner light and may ask you, “what is so different about you today?” That will be the perfect opportunity to explain to them the blessing of gratitude.

As gratitude illuminates your own Soul, your Soul in turn, shall glow and provide others with illumination as well.

~ Archangel Raphael

I hope you have enjoyed the reading for today. I shall be posting a reading every few days so please do check back.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me




Today’s Guidance: 11/28/16


I did not sleep well last night and woke up this morning feeling sad, which is quite uncharacteristic of me. As I went about my morning the feeling of sadness increased until it was bordering on grief. I made several phone calls to those closest to me & everyone was thankfully doing well. I then decided to pull two cards in an attempt to figure out the reason for this sadness that had descended upon me.

I drew “From the Source we have come and it is to the Source we shall one fine day return” and “Love is the key that opens every door.”

I found the first card to be very interesting because I actually did feel like someone close to me had died, so they had returned to the Source. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe so I realized in drawing the second card that Love would heal my sadness.

I continued to go about my day remaining perplexed about this feeling of sadness and my card draw for today. Then I went online and read that the character actor Fritz Weaver had died. I then understood the reason behind my sadness as well as this particular reading.


Hal Holbrook (l.) & Fritz Weaver (r.), “The Crate” episode from the film, “Creepshow” (1982).

Fritz Weaver was a character actor who was all over the TV and movies of the late 1970’s through the 1980’s. He was a guest on many popular TV series including “Falcon’s Crest” and “Deep Space 9.” He played a role I remember to this day in the mini-series, “Holocaust” as the patriarch of a Jewish family. He is most well-known for his roles in the feature film “Creepshow” and the cult classic, “Reanimator.”

I never realized what a fixture Mr. Weaver had become in my life through his many varied roles in film and television, so to hear of his death I was taken back to many of the shows I saw as I was growing up.

The first card of my reading for today is all about the eventuality we all face of leaving our physical bodies and returning to the Source of All. We each must do this when it is our time to do so and no one can avoid it. Yes, this is a card about death, but it is also a message of reassurance that at the time of physical death we all shall return home where we truly belong. It will be a grand reunion, not the separation most of us fear.

The second card is an important reminder that no matter the problems we encounter in our daily lives, we all need to rest assured that Love is the ultimate power in the universe. Through Love anything can be accomplished. Love truly is the key that opens every door.

When you combine the two cards into a single message it is loud and clear. Although we all must suffer separation from our loved ones at the time of death, in the end we are all eventually reunited as part of the Source; and, the energy that reunites us is our love for one another. Love transcends death.

This is the message from the angels for today.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm (GIFAR) opens for pre-orders on December 3rd.


~ Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me


GIFAR on Facebook



How this Oracle Deck Came to Be

It all started with a voice.

I have channeled Archangel Michael since 1996. One spring morning upon waking I michaelheard his voice. All he said was, “are you ready to get to work now?”

Thinking he meant to ask if I was ready to start my work day, I responded with, “In a bit, Michael. I have to bathe & have breakfast first.”

Michael replied with, “Very well. I shall return briefly.”

An hour or so later Michael was back, but I quickly realized he wasn’t talking about a typical work day. Instead, he began to explain to me a healing system he referred to as another color on the spectrum of Rays. This color is called the Clear Iridescent Energy Ray and he is the specific archangel that governs that ray.

Michael had me lie down on the couch and gave me an attunement to that energy ray. I was knocked for a loop. I was not prepared, but he insisted on passing the attunment on to me right then & there. You do not argue with an archangel. You do as you are told! So I laid on the couch, waited, and then the amount of energy that came in through my crown chakra made me so dizzy that I nearly fell off the couch!

After that, Michael gave me information about this new healing modality in piecemeal form. Information was given to me on a “need-to-know” basis, and when I would ask specific questions I was told quite curtly, “you do not need to know at this time.” Michael gave me the information in the order and in the amount he had decided upon and there was nothing I could to do alter the process.

The Clear Iridescent Energy Ray (CIER) is now an online course & I am planning a book as well. Meanwhile, those channeling sessions lead to Michael presenting me with short phrases that did not have anything to do with the CIER material. He instructed me to write them down in a journal, which I did.

Once Michael gave me a few phrases Archangel Raphael made his presence known. Raphael and I go way back. He is actually the first archangel with whom I had any form of contact. That in and of itself is very interesting so I’ll share it now.

I was around 25 years old & my parents still lived in my childhood home. I was visiting for the Christmas holiday break from graduate school. One night I had a dream.

I dreamed I was standing on the sidewalk in front of my childhood home. There was a storm coming that was moving south to north (my street also ran north-south). As I saw more storm clouds crawling across the sky I could see flashes of lightning. I remember thinking it was odd that I did not hear any thunder.

The storm soon extended along my entire street. At that point I heard what I thought was distant thunder, but as I looked up at the clouds to the south I realized it was not thunder I was hearing, it was the hooves of horses galloping down my street, but the horses were up in the clouds!

4-horsemenAs they got closer I saw one white horse, a black one, a reddish one, brown, and a pale whitish/light gray horse. Jesus Christ rode the white horse. An archangel rode each of the other four horses. I got very frightened thinking that this was the end of the world & I was seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

I attempted to run back into my house for safety, but I had caught the eye of the archangel wearing the green robe. I knew that one was Raphael. As he looked down at me he reached out toward me with the palm of his right hand facing me. His arm grew longer & longer until his right hand reached me. He smacked me right in my third eye and in a loud, booming voice that was very frightening, he said to me:

Heal thyself, then go forth and heal others!

The five horsemen continued on down my street moving past my house and eventually out of sight. When I woke up I told my mom about the dream. She said the dream meant I had a spiritual calling. At the time I had no idea what it could be. I was in graduate school studying Archaeology. That was my first clue that I would not end up in archaeology or academia as a career.

Raphael stepped forward again to help me during my studies to become a Reiki master teacher. He was with me every step of the way. He now works with me whenever I channel healing energy. Two days after Michael told me he had given me all the phrases he was going to give “for the time being,” Raphael made his presence known. He then presented me with several additional phrases.

Michael then returned to explain these phrases were to be made into an oracle deck that would help many people. He also told me there was to be a total of 44 cards, but he and Raphael had given me all their phrases. I asked Michael if I was meant to compose the remaining phrases, and he told me no, that a spirit guide would come & present the phrases to me. That is a topic for another time.

The number 44, Michael explained, is significant. The number 4 is the number of the archangels, so 44 magnifies their energy since the 4 is doubled. The number 4 is also the number of stability, groundedness, and inner wisdom.

sample-of-watercolor-background-1Once I received all 44 phrases, Michael returned and sent me visions of particular color combinations. A specific color combination was intended for a specific phrase. He went through the phases in alphabetical order. As I received visions of each phrase’s color scheme I would make notes with a 100+ set of colored pencils so I could get as close to the actual shade of each color I was being shown. When I was done I had 4 pages with each page containing 11 color swatches. I was then ready to start painting the watercolor gouache backgrounds.

As I worked on the watercolor backgrounds I also focused on creating the font that you see on the cards themselves. I created the font by hand through a great deal of trial, error, and experimentation. I had to be sure the letters would fit nicely together, and in the beginning that wasn’t happening. It took quite a few tweaks and changes before I ended up with the final font that I used for the cards. Each phrase is hand-lettered and then I went over the letters with Sakura drawing pens in order to ink them in.


Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm came to be due to a voice and it was the outgrowth of a information given to me by Michael regarding the new healing modality, the Clear Iridescent Energy Ray (CIER). I had no idea at the time that Michael and I were working on the course material that a deck would also come of our partnership. I thought the phrases he was giving me were perhaps meditation prompts.

The cards can be used for meditation, and they can also be used for connecting with your own angels and spirit guides. Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm can also be used as a divinatory oracle deck. I will be providing examples of that particular use in later blog posts.

The archangels are making themselves known to many people at this time. Michael says that humanity is at a critical juncture in its history and the archangels are here to provide guidance, healing, and joy as they help each of us to transition through this period. It is our joint hope that Guidance and Inspiration From the Angelic Realm helps to spread joy, guidance, and healing to all who are in need. It was a great joy for me to create this deck and I hope that joy spreads to all who use it.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm will open for pre-order on Saturday, December 3, 2016. Payment & ordering information will be posted on the “Order A Deck” page on that day, so stay tuned. All who pre-order a deck will receive a free reading from me with my new oracle deck!


~ Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me


GIFAR on Facebook

