Tag Archive | gratitude

Message on a “Blah” Day

What do you do when you have a case of the “blahs” & you have no idea what is causing you to feel this way. Well, other than the weather. It’s been raining badly here in Houston for about a week. Lots of gray skies, chilly, and very little sun. Usually I am not emotionally reactive to weather patterns, but this one has me within its clutches so I decided to ask for a message to brighten my day.

I swear that I chose these at random. Just look at the similarity of the message on each card. Similar, yet not identical.


The Universe presents us with Infinite Possibilities.”

~ and ~

We live in an abundant Universe. There is enough for everyone.”

I pulled these cards randomly as I wondered what type of message could pull me out of the blahs. I would have to say that this is that message!

I woke up feeling immediately overwhelmed as I mentally went over my work schedule for today. Please do not misunderstand me. I am incredibly grateful for the orders that have recently come in for readings, enchantments, and a Soul Portrait, but there are also so many hours in a day and I do not like to keep people waiting. Yet there is only one of me and many (thank the gods) clients. Currently, my services I offer at my site are my family’s main source of income as my husband works to get his new business off the ground. These orders are keeping the bills paid and food on the table so to say I am grateful would be an understatement.

As I read the first message, “The Universe presents us with Infinite Possibilities” it made me think of different ways I could manage my time. After contemplating the message of this card I now have a better idea of how to parcel out my time today so I am no longer feeling overwhelmed.

As I pulled the second card my hand was first pulled toward one end of the fanned out deck, but then I felt a very light push on my hand that guided me toward the opposite end of the fan. When choosing a card from a fanned deck I allow my hand to hover about 2″ above the cards until one or more of my fingers begin to tingle. Usually this happens only with my index finger. Then I choose whichever card below makes that finger tingle the most. That is how I chose the first card, so other than the gentle push, I chose the second card in the same manner.

My reaction when I read the message of the second card was, “well, would you look at that!” “We live in an abundant Universe. There is enough for everyone.”

Two cards that speak of what the Universe has to offer us if we are open to receive, that is, when we have faith and belief that yes, we DO live in an abundant universe, there IS enough for everyone, and the universe is jam-packed with infinite possibilities.

What a cheery and uplifting message on a day when I had been suffering from the blahs and feeling overwhelmed!

You see, I also woke up worried about money. I try hard not to worry, but when your first thought of the morning is, “OMG, I have to pay my sales tax today because it’s due tomorrow!” while hoping you have enough in your meager checking account so your check to the State doesn’t bounce, well, it can create a tiny sense of panic. Thankfully, due to the orders I received yesterday I do have enough to pay my sales tax today; and, I was aware of this, but those first few foggy thoughts of morning are often not very logical. I had forgotten about orders that came in last night that gave me a financial reprieve in my midnight hour (almost literally!).

The second message is a timely reminder that a person cannot focus on what they LACK. If you find yourself thinking “I don’t have enough money to pay my sales tax,” or whatever else you need to pay, rethink that. Such a thought is only placing more emphasis on what you lack and not on what you actually possess. Perhaps you don’t have enough money to pay all your bills, but you can pay some of them. Focus gratitude out into the universe for the bills and things you are able to pay for. Don’t focus on what you can’t afford. Focus on what you possess and what you have been able to accomplish. If we all work to focus on what we have and on what we have managed to do or complete, then express gratitude for that, the universe will work to present us with new opportunities through which additional abundance can flow toward us.

The message of the second card kindly presented me with a timely reminder me of this fact. I have reconsidered my family’s financial situation; and, as a result, I feel secure in the knowledge that yes, as long as I remain open to receive and maintain my faith, the universe WILL provide.

red-maple-blooming-in-mid-jan-2017As I looked out the window immediately after taking this picture I was struck by the fact my red maple is blooming new leaves already. We had a very short and late fall season here in Houston. My two red maples didn’t actually begin to show any fall colors until mid-December. It was short-lived as they lost all their leaves by the first few days of 2017. They have only been fallow for about two weeks, but already they are budding out! It goes to show how unseasonably warm it’s been in Houston this “winter,” which hasn’t really been winter, not even in the Houston sense of the word.

As I sat here looking out my bedroom window at my red maple tree marveling at all the new baby leaves appearing nearly overnight on its branches this tree also reminded me that despite temporary setbacks opportunities will continue to bloom.

bag-envelopeGuidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is open for pre-order until January 30th at which time I shall place the order with my printer. Each deck comes signed, numbered, and attuned to Reiki and CIER (the Clear Iridescent Energy Ray of Archangel Michael of which I am the exclusive channel and Teacher). The packaging arrived yesterday and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The satin bag has raised gold dots upon it. I will further embellish each bag with beads from my collection intuitively chosen for each person who orders. The gold bubble envelope is quite snazzy and I am impressed with its quality.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is a self-published limited print-run. These decks will not remain in stock for long. All orders are filled strictly on a first-come, first-served basis and your deck number reflects the order in which I received your payment. Please click on the appropriate payment link for your location below. I ship worldwide via First Class domestic US mail and First Class Air.

Thank you to all who have ordered so far.

If you live in the USA use this link

If you live outside the USA use this link


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me





Free Reading 12/4/16

For today, December 4, 2016, I have drawn 2 cards as I asked the angels & spirit guides what do we all need to focus on now as we all head into the holiday season. This message stands for the entire holiday season, but I will be doing more card draws in coming days.


The two cards from my Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm oracle deck are:

Dance to the Music in your Soul

~ and ~

Gratitude opens your Heart and attracts new Blessings

The original title of my deck during the months I worked on creating it was Angelic Guidance & Inspiration. I thought all the card phrases & messages would be coming from Archangel Michael & Archangel Raphael. They took turns channeling the information to me & I figured it was a safe assumption to make that they would be responsible for all the phrases & channeled information for the deck.

After they gave me approximately two-thirds of the deck the channeling process stalled. Nothing came through for a few weeks. As I worked on creating the card images I wasn’t worried. Michael had told me the deck would have 44 cards so I knew more messages would be forthcoming. I was preoccupied at the time & I figured it was my own preoccupation that had created the block.

As the weeks turned into two months, and then it was suddenly 18 weeks without a single message, then I began to become concerned. One day Michael came through to tell me not to fear. The other messages would be coming and the phrases would all come through in a single channeling session while the messages for each of those cards would come to me piecemeal as the others had. When I asked Michael if I had created a block that had held up the entire creation process he told me no, the issue was not me, but that the other spirit involved is “a bit of a perfectionist” & he was “taking his own sweet time” in delivering the phrases of the remainder of the deck to me.

Until that moment I had no idea a spirit would be involved with the deck. I thought the phrases would be coming from angelic energy only. I asked Michael if he could tell me the identity of the spirit. He said, “yes, the one you would know as David Bowie. He is working with many right now, & shall be for quite some time to come.”

If you follow me on Facebook and even more so if you are a member of my group, Magickal Musings, you will already know of my special connection with David Bowie, which is of a psychic nature that began long before he passed away. I can’t say I was too surprised, but I did tell Michael I thought it was an odd mix and now what to do about the title of my deck? Michael suggested my deck’s title as it now stands.

It was about 2 weeks later, so I was right at the 3 month mark of not having made any progress on the deck when David came through one afternoon in a flurry of messages & images. It took about an hour and I had each phrase for the remainder of the deck with his promise he would be giving me the messages that would accompany each card just as Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael had.

Today’s card draw is the first I have done with the deck that includes a message from David Bowie, hence the lengthy preamble to this blog post. It was never my intention to drop his name. In fact, I have worked hard to keep his involvement in this project on the down-low, so to speak. I actually wish the remaining messages had all come from the angels, but when you channel it’s much more a case of who comes through then who you wish to come through, not that I have anything at all against David Bowie being a long-time fan. All that being said, without further delay, here is today’s message, which applies to the entire holiday season.

Card 1: Dance to the Music in your Soul ~ 

Dance to work through anger. Dance as an expression of joy. Dance as you work out your frustrations. Dance to give form to your sadness. Dance when you greet the day. Dance while embracing the night. Dance through your life. Dance to the music in your soul.

~ David Bowie

The message here is to be sure to express yourself. Whether it is through dancing, singing, art, or simply speaking it will serve us all well to fully express ourselves this holiday season. This time of year we all become preoccupied with preparing for the end of the year holidays. We often feel overwhelmed shopping for gifts, cleaning & decorating the house, and then cooking that massive holiday dinner. The message here is in the middle of all that craziness it would help each of us to take time express what is in our heart, which leads to the next card from Archangel Michael:

Card 2: Gratitude opens your Heart and attracts new Blessings ~ 

The capacity for gratitude knows no limits. The only limits gratitude possesses are the limits you place upon it. Why limit something that is so wonderful & that can easily open so many doors for you? A grateful person knows that no matter how small a thing is for which they are grateful, that the expression of that gratitude will lead to bigger & better things. Why not express gratitude by simply saying, “thank you for …” or “I am grateful for …,” then fill in the blank. As you do this daily you will find yourself expressing gratitude for many things you have long taken for granted. As these seemingly lesser things make it onto your gratitude list you will see new energy entering your life that brings along with it new and wonderful blessings of all kinds. As you express gratitude for seemingly tiny blessings when turn around you will be able to watch as larger blessings make themselves known to you.

Remember this: a grateful heart is a happy heart. 

~ Archangel Michael

A daily gratitude practice is important. Another spirit guide of mine, Nashia, explained this to me several years ago. She suggested to me that I merely list three things a day for which I am grateful. She told me the size or importance of these three things doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that I am expressing gratitude. She told me the more I was grateful, then the more positive things would flow into my life.

I began my daily gratitude practice with very simple lists. I would state I was grateful for sunshine, grateful for coffee (aren’t we all?), grateful for the purr from my cat, and so on. Soon, my lists became much more elaborate. Some days I would list as many as ten different things just because I could. I then realized that in a very short period of time (about a month) it had become increasingly easier for me to express my gratitude. Soon, I also noticed new and wonderful blessings entering my life usually in most unexpected ways.

As we all go about our annual holiday hustle and bustle, take time to express gratitude daily. As you do this, know that in time the door will open and new blessings will enter your life, or perhaps some long standing issues will begin to be somehow resolved. Also, keep in mind what Michael says:

a grateful heart is a happy heart.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me




Free Reading: Pick a Card


I have drawn 3 cards at random from my forthcoming oracle deck, Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm. Take a deep cleansing breath and close your eyes. Ask for a number to come to you between 1 and 3. The number that comes to you will be your card.

Each card’s message is channeled. Scroll below to read your special message for today. Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm opens for pre-orders on December 3, 2016. Ordering & pricing information will be posted to the ordering page on Dec. 3rd.


Card 1: Take back your Power by Believing in Yourself ~

Every individual is a powerful being in their own right. It is only due to your parents, authority figures, and society that you have been swayed to believe otherwise. From the very beginning of your life as a child you are placed into a subservient role. You are subject to the authority of your parents. Once your formal education begins you are further subservient to the authority of your teachers. You are taught to respect your elders. “Respect” in this context embodies their expectation that you are to do as you are told.

As you grow and mature you eventually come into your own power. You begin to make decisions for yourself and eventually the big day finally arrives when you begin to live life on your own. Despite your independence you still play a role that is subservient to others. That is simply the manner in which your society is constructed. Your boss has more authority than you do in the workplace. Your parents may still hold some authority over you as well. When you are taught your entire life to live a role that negates your personal power, how do you lay claim to it once you have the opportunity?

You do this by simply believing in yourself. Have faith in your own abilities and accomplishments. Know that you require no one’s final approval regarding your actions. Live a life of peace and harmony where others are concerned. Do no harm and no one need ever question your actions or your motives. Be assured that your power as an individual is very real. Do not allow memories of your past interfere with your self-image. Know you have the power to achieve your wishes. You have the power to organize and live your life as you see fit. Step into your own power by being your true self and realize you are a powerful being in your own right.

~ Archangel Michael

Card 2: Your body is your Temple. Honor it in all ways ~

Your body is the temple in which your Soul resides during your current physical incarnation. The Soul comes directly from The Source. It is PART of the Source, a tiny yet incredibly powerful fragment. Your Soul is that divine spark.

The body is the corporeal vessel that your Soul has for a limited amount of time. Your body is your Soul’s HOME. Think on this. What would you do if there was a knock on your door. You open the door and there is your Higher Power standing there asking for admittance. Do you gladly step aside and allow them entry or do you slam the door in their face because your house is in disarray?

Your body is your Soul’s house. It is up to you to keep your Soul’s home in order. You do this by making sure you get enough exercise. Eat a sensible diet. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Also make time for play.

When all of the above is done in balance your physical body enters a state of harmony that allows it to be the perfect abode for your Soul. Focus on taking care of yourself and once you have found a sense of equilibrium you may wish to attempt to influence those around you to focus on doing the same for themselves.

~ Archangel Raphael

Card 3: Gratitude is the Inner Light of the Soul ~

The feeling of gratitude creates within your Soul a sense of happiness and joy. Even if you have nothing you consider to be wonderful, focus on the small things. Go over your day and find a few small things for which you are grateful. The small things are special gifts that help you to further appreciate larger blessings when they come along. What were your tiny blessings today? A child’s laughter, perhaps? The purr of a cat? The sunshine? A cool drink of water that quenched your thirst? A delicious meal? Some form of entertainment?

Think on these things from your day that instill within your heart a sense of gratitude. Know as your heart feels gratitude that the light of gratitude illuminates your Soul. The light of gratitude helps your Soul to shine more brightly. As your Soul shines ever brighter know that you will serve as a beacon to others by example. They will sense or even see your inner light and may ask you, “what is so different about you today?” That will be the perfect opportunity to explain to them the blessing of gratitude.

As gratitude illuminates your own Soul, your Soul in turn, shall glow and provide others with illumination as well.

~ Archangel Raphael

I hope you have enjoyed the reading for today. I shall be posting a reading every few days so please do check back.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me

