Tag Archive | thankful

Free Reading 12/4/16

For today, December 4, 2016, I have drawn 2 cards as I asked the angels & spirit guides what do we all need to focus on now as we all head into the holiday season. This message stands for the entire holiday season, but I will be doing more card draws in coming days.


The two cards from my Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm oracle deck are:

Dance to the Music in your Soul

~ and ~

Gratitude opens your Heart and attracts new Blessings

The original title of my deck during the months I worked on creating it was Angelic Guidance & Inspiration. I thought all the card phrases & messages would be coming from Archangel Michael & Archangel Raphael. They took turns channeling the information to me & I figured it was a safe assumption to make that they would be responsible for all the phrases & channeled information for the deck.

After they gave me approximately two-thirds of the deck the channeling process stalled. Nothing came through for a few weeks. As I worked on creating the card images I wasn’t worried. Michael had told me the deck would have 44 cards so I knew more messages would be forthcoming. I was preoccupied at the time & I figured it was my own preoccupation that had created the block.

As the weeks turned into two months, and then it was suddenly 18 weeks without a single message, then I began to become concerned. One day Michael came through to tell me not to fear. The other messages would be coming and the phrases would all come through in a single channeling session while the messages for each of those cards would come to me piecemeal as the others had. When I asked Michael if I had created a block that had held up the entire creation process he told me no, the issue was not me, but that the other spirit involved is “a bit of a perfectionist” & he was “taking his own sweet time” in delivering the phrases of the remainder of the deck to me.

Until that moment I had no idea a spirit would be involved with the deck. I thought the phrases would be coming from angelic energy only. I asked Michael if he could tell me the identity of the spirit. He said, “yes, the one you would know as David Bowie. He is working with many right now, & shall be for quite some time to come.”

If you follow me on Facebook and even more so if you are a member of my group, Magickal Musings, you will already know of my special connection with David Bowie, which is of a psychic nature that began long before he passed away. I can’t say I was too surprised, but I did tell Michael I thought it was an odd mix and now what to do about the title of my deck? Michael suggested my deck’s title as it now stands.

It was about 2 weeks later, so I was right at the 3 month mark of not having made any progress on the deck when David came through one afternoon in a flurry of messages & images. It took about an hour and I had each phrase for the remainder of the deck with his promise he would be giving me the messages that would accompany each card just as Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael had.

Today’s card draw is the first I have done with the deck that includes a message from David Bowie, hence the lengthy preamble to this blog post. It was never my intention to drop his name. In fact, I have worked hard to keep his involvement in this project on the down-low, so to speak. I actually wish the remaining messages had all come from the angels, but when you channel it’s much more a case of who comes through then who you wish to come through, not that I have anything at all against David Bowie being a long-time fan. All that being said, without further delay, here is today’s message, which applies to the entire holiday season.

Card 1: Dance to the Music in your Soul ~ 

Dance to work through anger. Dance as an expression of joy. Dance as you work out your frustrations. Dance to give form to your sadness. Dance when you greet the day. Dance while embracing the night. Dance through your life. Dance to the music in your soul.

~ David Bowie

The message here is to be sure to express yourself. Whether it is through dancing, singing, art, or simply speaking it will serve us all well to fully express ourselves this holiday season. This time of year we all become preoccupied with preparing for the end of the year holidays. We often feel overwhelmed shopping for gifts, cleaning & decorating the house, and then cooking that massive holiday dinner. The message here is in the middle of all that craziness it would help each of us to take time express what is in our heart, which leads to the next card from Archangel Michael:

Card 2: Gratitude opens your Heart and attracts new Blessings ~ 

The capacity for gratitude knows no limits. The only limits gratitude possesses are the limits you place upon it. Why limit something that is so wonderful & that can easily open so many doors for you? A grateful person knows that no matter how small a thing is for which they are grateful, that the expression of that gratitude will lead to bigger & better things. Why not express gratitude by simply saying, “thank you for …” or “I am grateful for …,” then fill in the blank. As you do this daily you will find yourself expressing gratitude for many things you have long taken for granted. As these seemingly lesser things make it onto your gratitude list you will see new energy entering your life that brings along with it new and wonderful blessings of all kinds. As you express gratitude for seemingly tiny blessings when turn around you will be able to watch as larger blessings make themselves known to you.

Remember this: a grateful heart is a happy heart. 

~ Archangel Michael

A daily gratitude practice is important. Another spirit guide of mine, Nashia, explained this to me several years ago. She suggested to me that I merely list three things a day for which I am grateful. She told me the size or importance of these three things doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that I am expressing gratitude. She told me the more I was grateful, then the more positive things would flow into my life.

I began my daily gratitude practice with very simple lists. I would state I was grateful for sunshine, grateful for coffee (aren’t we all?), grateful for the purr from my cat, and so on. Soon, my lists became much more elaborate. Some days I would list as many as ten different things just because I could. I then realized that in a very short period of time (about a month) it had become increasingly easier for me to express my gratitude. Soon, I also noticed new and wonderful blessings entering my life usually in most unexpected ways.

As we all go about our annual holiday hustle and bustle, take time to express gratitude daily. As you do this, know that in time the door will open and new blessings will enter your life, or perhaps some long standing issues will begin to be somehow resolved. Also, keep in mind what Michael says:

a grateful heart is a happy heart.

Guidance & Inspiration From the Angelic Realm is now open for pre-order. Click here to order.


Nefer Khepri, PhD.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Visionary Art by commission, & Spells

The Egyptian Lenormand: available signed & activated directly from me


